APAX - Advance Pitches & "Know Before You Go"
Please use this URL to join. https://us02web.zoom.us/s/87321532793?pwd=SE4yYnRqVTFJZWFqc2I5Y25DbXREUT09 Passcode: 941389 _______________________________________________________________________________________________ Dear Members, There is a single online pitching session in advance of APAX 2023, including a brief "Know Before You Go" session to get your head around the program before arriving in Cairns. You don't need to be registered for APAX to attend this pitching session. The session includes pitches from: * Soft Tread Enterprises - TROPHY BOYS and GHOST LIGHT * Circa - Duck Pond * Contemporary Asian Australian Performance with Rainbow Chan - The Bridal Lament * Performing Lines - Hide the Dog by Nathan Maynard and Jamie McCaskill; M'ap Boulé by Nancy Denis, and Us and All of This by Liesel Zink and Lawrence English * Le Gros Orteil / Nicholas Clark Management - The Librarian * Cluster Arts with Phluxus2 Dance Collective * Australian Theatre For Young People (ATYP) - Past The Shallows * Polyglot Theatre - Company Update * Critical Stages Touring - Company Update Please feel free to distribute this invitation and/or link to anyone in your organisation, or anyone you think would find this session valuable. Again, it is free, and open-access. Please use this URL to join. https://us02web.zoom.us/s/87321532793?pwd=SE4yYnRqVTFJZWFqc2I5Y25DbXREUT09 Passcode: 941389 Warm regards, TEAM PAC AUSTRALIA www.apax.org.au<http://www.apax.org.au>
participants (1)
PAC Australia Admin